Aims of ACRA

Aims of ACRA

ACRA aims to continue to be recognised as setting the standards for excellence in the concrete repair and remedial industry; an ambition that clearly benefits members of the Association, their clients and asset owners.

Key to achieving this objective is that ACRA’s members meet minimum standards in expertise, experience, training and quality so that they are equipped to meet this aim. ACRA’s members may meet these minimum standards by:

  • Attending ACRA accredited training courses and seminars
  • Maintaining project specific quality systems
  • Taking steps to identify the causes and mechanisms of the deterioration
  • Promoting repair and protection methods that are compatible with the identified causes of deterioration and/or that achieve a repair that would reduce the life cycle cost of repair and maintenance
  • Recommending compatible improvements to repair processes and advising on potential technical or commercial conflicts with the clients’ maintenance objectives
  • Providing “best practice” options where practicable
  • Entering ACRA’s biennial Awards for Excellence to showcase their expertise
  • Adhering to ACRA’s Code of Ethics.

The above demonstrates a commitment to the industry and to achieving the objectives of the Association.

All ACRA members (both existing and potential future members) may be required to undergo an audit by ACRA’s membership review committee to demonstrate that they are meeting these minimum standards.

By demonstrating that its members meet these expectations, ACRA encourages asset owners and statutory authorities to use its members to undertake work in the specialist field of concrete repair and remedial building.

ACRA is keen to attract new members who operate in the field of concrete repair as a core activity and can demonstrate the required expertise and commitment to quality.

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Setting the standards in the remedial industry since 1991.

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