ACRA Remedial Industry Excellence Awards 2020
2020 Winners
After being postponed due to the 2020 pandemic, we finally held our ACRA awards night on 5 March 2021 at both the Sebel Pier One in Sydney NSW, and at the Novotel Brisbane QLD.
ACRA President Grahame Vile described how the submissions were received, showcasing the breadth of our industry and its specialist capabilities. Well done all, and to all entrants thank you for striving to higher standards.
The judges had a difficult time this year due to the number of award entries that had come through, and of course, the pandemic delaying entries, and of course the extra categories included as ACRA is more than just concrete repair now. Your judges were David Miller CEO of the Concrete Institute of Australia, David Mahaffy from Mahaffy and Associates, and lastly Dr. Nicole Johnston from Deakin University. We thank you all for your time and effort and feedback to make the next awards year more streamlined when it comes to judging in 2022.
Our winners are:
Award for Bridges went to Marine and Civil Maintenance for Hawthorn Canal Bridge Remediation.
Award for Commercial Buildings went to RM Watson for Northpoint Tower North Sydney over-cladding.
Award for Heritage Structure went to Diagnostech for Rockcliff Mansions 1920s heritage apartment remediation works
The highly commended award in this category went to SRG Group for Flinders St Station Restoration.
Award for Industrial when to Freyssient Australia for Bayswater Power Station cooling tower 4 repair.
Award for Investigation & Diagnosis went to ACOR Consultants for 1-3 Eton Rd Lindfield
The highly commended award in this category went to Pensar for Murry River Council Bridge repairs.
Award for Long Term Performance when to RM Watson for Foreshores on Queenscliff.
Award for Marine & Wharves went to Duratec & GHD for HMAS Stirling redevelopment stage 3a.
Award for Mega Projects >$10 Million went to Duratec and GHD for HMAS Stirling Redevelopment.
Award for Research, Design & Innovation when to Andersal for Aurora Place proof of concept trial works.
Award for Residential Buildings award went to RM Watson for El Hacienda
The highly commended award in this category went to Diagnostech for Rhodes House.
Award for Strengthening went to Triaxial Consulting for Birkenhead Shopping Centre Coles tenancy/basement structural rehabilitation structural engineering.
Award for Water & Sewer went to Pensar for Hunter water reservoir refurbishment.
Award for Waterproofing went to MAX Build for Casino Garden Pyrmont systemic waterproofing defect rectification works.
The presidents choice award went to Freyssient Australia for the MLC Centre Facade Maintenance Project Design & Construct
Remedial Industry Award for Excellence went to Duratec and GHD for HMAS Stirling Redevelopment.
Click photo to enlarge.
Photos from NSW Awards Dinner
Photos from QLD Awards Dinner