
Information sharing for the Construction Industry – Updated 30 June 2020

Information sharing for the Construction Industry relating to how to deal with COVID-19

The Coronavirus outbreak poses challenges for the construction industry at present. Despite the challenges, construction remains an important activity and it is a high priority for everyone working in this industry.

ACRA, affiliated Association and Government bodies are committed to supporting the construction industry during the challenges associated with the Coronavirus outbreak, one way we are doing this is via information and resources sharing.

Information that has been shared covers almost everything from site works, planning, procedures, working from home and even tool box talk tips and even a recovery plan + more. This webpage includes documents provided by industry leaders, to promote the sharing of information on the steps being taken to reduce the impacts associated with Coronavirus, so that together, as an industry, we keep people on our construction sites and workplaces, safe and healthy.

This webpage also includes links to the latest Coronavirus information from government agencies, including Infrastructure NSW, Health agencies, SafeWork Australia and COVID-19 Legislation (Public Health Orders, Environment & Planning Orders, Acts of Parliament and Regulations).

Document listing:

Thank you to our industry leaders such as TfNSW for making this information available to all within the construction industry.

These can be used in all states but please check SafeWork Australia website for any changes and updates within your state

Document Source  Document name Type of document (Plan, Procedure, Tool, Information) Summary of content
NSW COVID-19 – Information needed for confirmed cases – FINAL – Paul Stathers 8-4-20 (DOCX, 69.85 KB) Tool incident management team (IMT) following a new confirmed case (2 pages)
NSW Assurance Process – COVID-19 – Paul Stathers 27-3-20 v1.3 (DOCX, 66.89 KB) Tool Assurance process for verification of implementation of new ways of working with COVID-19
Ventia 003. CORR-PLRP-VNT-TFNSW-CORR-00.pdf (PDF, 457.15 KB) Procedure Outlines work practices to be implemented at a project level in a bid to reduce the spread of the virus in line with Government Health advice (7 pages)
Haslin SEQ-CL-005 Weekly Site Safety Environmental and sustainability Inspection Checklist inc COVID-19 at point 32 ex. Haslin.doc (DOCX, 1.5 MB) Tool General Safety Environmental and sustainability Inspection Checklist including COVID-19 checks at item #32 (16 pages)
Haslin Attach2 COVID-19 Management Plan (PDF, 193.1 KB) Plan Haslin Constructions Covid-19 Management Plan (6 pages)
Haslin Covid 19 Worker Induction Declaration (PDF, 417.54 KB) Tool Worker declaration that they are not sick, have not recently returned from overseas and have not been in contact with unwell family members or others.  It is intended to be completed prior to entering site (1 page)
CPB 1 CPB Intranet COVID-19-Factsheet (PDF, 253.66 KB) Information COVID-19 factsheet (2 pages)
CPB 2 CPB Coronavirus Toolbox Talk – Condensed version (PDF, 955.3 KB) Information Concise Toolbox talk on COVID-19 (6 pages)
CPB 3 CPB Coronavirus Toolbox Talk (PDF, 1.76 MB) Information Toolbox talk on COVID-19 (21 pages)
CPB 4 CPB Coronavirus Poster (PDF, 72.96 KB) Information COVID-19 poster (1 page)
CPB 1. Mandatory Health Declaration (PDF, 200.84 KB) Tool COVID-19 Mandatory Health Declaration – worker (1 page)
CPB 2. Mandatory Health Declaration Toolbox Talk (PDF, 1.13 MB) Information Toolbox talk on COVID-19 Mandatory Health Declaration (11 pages)
CPB 1. CPB Social Distancing Poster (PDF, 300.8 KB) Information Social Distancing Poster (1 page)
CPB 2. CPB Knowledge – COVID-19 Transporting People in Vehicles (PDF, 642.19 KB) Information Provides guidance on the actions to minimise the risk of workplace infections of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19); specifically, it relates to transporting people in vehicles (6 pages)
CPB 3. CPB Social Distancing Checklist (PDF, 308.07 KB) Tool Social Distancing Checklist (1 page)
CPB 4. Sticker – Hard Hat Tool Design for hard hat sticker to reinforce social distancing requirements (1 page)
CPB 5. Example – What Good Looks Like – Crib Rooms and Pre-Starts (PDF, 235.18 KB) Information Visual examples of good practices for crib-rooms and pre-start sessions (1 page)
CPB High touch surfaces – poster Information Poster reminding people of the risk of infection through shared high touch surfaces and the need for good personal hygiene (1 page)
CPB 1. CPB Hand washing hygiene poster (PDF, 515.43 KB) Information Hand washing hygiene poster (1 page)
CPB 2. CPB Clean and Disinfect Poster (PDF, 623.76 KB) Information Clean and Disinfect Poster (1 page)
CPB 1. CPB Self-Isolation Poster (PDF, 309.22 KB) Information Self-Isolation Poster (1 page)
CPB 1. CPB Work From Home Checklist (PDF, 234.85 KB) Information Work From Home Checklist (4 pages)
CPB 2. CPB Work From Home Ergonomic Guide (PDF, 586.91 KB) Information Work From Home Ergonomic Guide (12 pages)
CPB CPB – Gryphon Psychology COVID-19 Information Sheet (PDF, 171.98 KB) Information Coronavirus (COVID-19): Managing the Stress and Anxiety (3 pages)
CPB 1 CPB Procedure – Manage Risks Associated With COVID-19 (PDF, 120.83 KB) Procedure Managing Risks Associated With COVID-19 (4 pages)
CPB 2 CPB Protocol – Minimising the risk of COVID-19 – Leaders Guide (PDF, 446.05 KB) Procedure Provides guidance to minimise the risk of infections from COVID-19 in the workplace. This protocol will also assist in minimising disruption and uncertainty should any site identify a potential exposure risk or encounter a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a CPB workplace. (10 pages)
Georgiou COVID-19 Management Plan (PDF, 2.77 MB) Plan This COVID-19 Management Plan outlines the principles and processes Georgiou will apply during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Georgiou COVID-19 Contact Scenario Flowcharts 08042020 (PDF, 286.87 KB) Procedure Flow charts outlining process to follow in relations to responding to COVID symptoms or contact with a person with symptoms
WSP COVID-19 Pandemic Plan RevB (1) (PDF, 141.23 KB) Plan This plan is designed to help WSP in Australia prepare for, manage and recover from a COVID-19 pandemic
Seymour Whyte Working From Home Guide for Leaders 010420_001 (PDF, 4.7 MB) Procedure The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance to Seymour Whyte’s Managers on working from home arrangements being implemented because of Coronavirus. The intent of this guide is to minimise overall business disruption and provide consistency in our approach to implementing productive and transparent working from home arrangements (61 pages).
Seymour Whyte 20200323_Coronavirus-SeymourWhyte MANAGING THE RISK (PDF, 1.33 MB) information Coronavirus – managing the risk poster (1 page)
Seymour Whyte 20200323-Coronavirus-SeymourWhyte-TAKE-CHARGE-PROTECT-YOURSELF (PDF, 235.17 KB) information Coronavirus – take charge protect yourself poster (1 page)
Seymour Whyte 20200323-Coronavirus-SeymourWhyte-VISITORS (PDF, 755.58 KB) information Coronavirus – visitors: managing the risk poster (1 page)
Seymour Whyte 20200323-Coronavirus-SeymourWhyte-WASH-YOUR-HANDS (PDF, 968.46 KB) information Coronavirus – hygiene: managing the risk poster (1 page)
Seymour Whyte C-19_Confirmed Case Reporting Spreadsheet_200406 (XLSX, 47.36 KB) Tool Spreadsheet to help in the management of confirmed cases (3 worksheets)
Seymour Whyte Coronavirus A guide for Leaders v4 (PDF, 373.88 KB) Procedure The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance to Seymour Whyte’s leaders on the actions to be taken to minimise the risk of Coronavirus workplace infections. The intent of the guidance is to minimise overall business disruption and uncertainty should a Seymour Whyte office or project identify potential exposure risks to the virus (18 pages).
Seymour Whyte CR2SM Recovery Plan_310320 (DOCX, 457.58 KB) Plan The purpose of the Coronavirus Event and Recovery Management Plan is to provide the CR2SM Management Team with a clear plan of the intended approach to partial and full site closures in a Coronavirus-related event.
This plan assumes that all risk management and mitigation measures have been in place to protect CR2SM employees, sub-contractor and suppliers from contact with the virus.
Consistent with Australia’s strategic approach to emergency management, this guidance aligns to the emergency management cycle of prevention and preparedness; response (initial action and targeted action) and then Recovery (28 pages).
Seymour Whyte Drug and Alcohol Testing during COVID (PDF, 114.22 KB) Procedure Drug and Alcohol Testing during COVID-19 (1 page)
Seymour Whyte M2W Covid 19 Management Plan_010420 (DOCX, 2.15 MB) Plan The purpose of this management plan is to:

– provide guidance to SSWJV’s project team on potential actions to minimise the risk of Coronavirus workplace infections;

– assist the site management team in understanding their operational and project responsibilities for managing the risks associated with COVID-19;

– outline the procedures in place to address the risks associated with COVID-19 and maintain a ‘business as usual’ approach as much as is practicable.

– minimise overall business disruption and uncertainty (31 pages)[JD1]

Seymour Whyte Working From Home Guide for Employees 010420_002 (PDF, 3.48 MB) Procedure The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance to Seymour Whyte’s employees on working from home arrangements being implemented because of Coronavirus. The intent of this guide is to minimise overall business disruption and provide consistency in our approach to implementing productive and transparent working from home arrangements (35 pages).
Quickway 1. IMS-FRM-09.1 Covid-19 pandemic (PDF, 206.41 KB) Plan This Plan forms part of the “Business Continuity Management Plan” and deals with the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Ultimately Australian Government requirements override any advice suggested within this plan (10 pages).
John Holland Group John Holland Group Coronavirus Toolbox All Workplaces pdf (PDF, 435.61 KB) Information Toolbox talk – COVID-19 (13 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland COVID-19 Campaign Handbook 2020 (PDF, 889.2 KB) Procedure COVID-19 Workplace Action Handbook – a simple guide for manager in the steps to take to manage COVID-19 risks (6 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Working from home checklist for our people (PDF, 223.87 KB) Tool John Holland Group Working from home checklist (3 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Workplace guidance for facilities and activities (PDF, 169.67 KB) Procedure This document helps workplaces apply the new requirements for COVID 19 at their sites and facilities, especially hygiene and social distancing measures. It updates and replaces previous versions, based on the latest infection control and government guidelines (8 pages).
John Holland Group John Holland Group COVID-19 Checklist (PDF, 82.17 KB) Tool CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)  SAFE WORKPLACE CHECKLIST (3 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Covid-19 Confirmed Case Communications Action Checklist (PDF, 215.97 KB) Tool COVID-19 CONFIRMED CASE COMMUNICATIONS CHECKLIST (7 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group What is SocialDistancingPoster (PDF, 417.35 KB) Information “What is social distancing?” poster (1 page)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Keeping Your Distance Posters (PDF, 22.02 KB) Information “Keeping Your Distance” poster (1 page)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Protect Yourself and Others Posters_ (PDF, 847.21 KB) Information “Protect Yourself, Protect Others” poster (4 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Stop the Spread at Workplace Toolbox V5 (PPTX, 1.16 MB) Information “Stop the Spread” presentation pack (10 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group COVID-19 Confirmed Case Guide (PDF, 127.83 KB) Information COVID 19 Confirmed Case: Workplace Response – Brief (2 pages)  – a simplified guide for workplace managers when notified of a CONFIRMED case of COVID-19 (2 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group COVID-19 Exposure Guide (PDF, 178.21 KB) Procedure Table containing directions on steps to take for various exposure scenarios (3 pages)
John Holland Group John Holland Group Workplace Cleaning Guidance (PDF, 82.28 KB) Procedure Workplace Cleaning Guidance for John Holland Workplaces (3 pages)
Ventia COVID-19 Hand Hygiene Guidance (PPTX, 7.72 MB) Information COVID-19 Hand Hygiene Guidance (12 pages)
Lendlease COVID-19 RPE (PDF, 267.68 KB) Information Respiratory Protective Equipment Selection for COVID-19 Control (1 page)
Lendlease COVID-19 Toolbox Final (PDF, 709.44 KB) Information Toolbox talk – COVID-19 (12 pages)

-The information is provided for the purpose of sharing industry controls only and to help support informed decision making on risk management by others.
-The Association does not warrant or accept liability in relation to the quality, operability or accuracy of the information. All information has been kindly provided for distribution by industry leaders such as TfNSW, Department of Infrastructure, Department of Health and other construction industry bodies.
-Users who independently choose to apply this information will be responsible for making their own assessment of the information.
-Industry information is being made available in a centralised location, and PCBUs must determine what is reasonably practicable, and what mix of controls will best manage the risks relevant to their operating context.
-Information is rapidly changing (the information provided within this webpage was up to date at the time of upload), and it is necessary for PCBUs to review the most up to date information before adopting controls. Industry partner information will be reviewed prior to publication and efforts made to not publish information that is inconsistent with current government standards. However, PCBUs must make their own enquiries before adopting controls. Industry partners who submit information determined not to be suitable for publication may be contacted

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