waterproofing Tag

The ACRA Remedial Waterproofing Training Day provides attendees with a coverage of the fundamentals of remedial waterproofing.  We include review of diagnostic steps, designing for remedial work, quality control and...

The ACRA Remedial Waterproofing Training Day provides attendees with a coverage of the fundamentals of remedial waterproofing.  We include review of diagnostic steps, designing for remedial work, quality control and...

THE REMEDIAL INDUSTRY TRADE SHOW With this Trade Show, we intend to profile industry updates with some expert speakers, and our trade stands. This year each stand will be given microphone time...

Jason Dagg from Duratec – It starts with the rain Jason Dagg is a career contractor currently the remedial services manager for Duratec in Perth. Using previous projects and waterproofing fundamentals...

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