Remedial Industry Excellence Awards



Dear ACRA members,

The 12th Biennial ACRA Awards will be held on the 27th October 2023 in Brisbane QLD.

Entries for the Biennial ACRA Remedial Industry Excellence Awards are now open!

The Remedial Industry Excellence Awards are projects encompassing all facets of the remedial industry are invited to enter. In previous years, concrete repair needed to be a major component of the works. The Remedial Industry Excellence awards now can be concrete repair, waterproofing, general refurbishment or other remedial works demonstrating the breadth of experience and project challenges in our industry.

ACRA’s Awards showcase our members’ outstanding work in the remedial industry across a wide range of industries and market sectors – infrastructure, marine, residential, facilities, rail, water and roads to name a few.

We are looking for projects that are “Setting the Standards in Remedial Industry”, and encourage entries from all project values, whether the project is a small but challenging $5,000 repair job or a $5,000,000 repair job.

Apart from entries to the Long-Term Performance Award for projects completed prior to June 2012, all other entries must have been completed in the 2yrs since June 2020.

Winners will be announced at the ACRA Awards planned to be held on the 27th October 2023 in Brisbane QLD. We look forward to receiving your entries and celebrating on the night.

Deadline for entries is June 1st 2023.

Yours sincerely
Kieran Smith
ACRA President

Explanation of Categories

The following is a guide to how the award categories are determined:

  • 1.We will ask you to nominate the category(s) you believe the project fits into and the project value. You need to hold membership in the category you are applying for.
  • 2.Once all entries are received, the awards committee will organise the entries into ‘Award Categories’ so that like projects compete with like projects. For example, the aim is that a $50,000 residential project will compete with projects of similar contract value and complexity.
  • 3.Note that if insufficient entries are received in a particular category, then the entry may be combined into another similar category to compete with projects of similar size and complexity.
  • 4.Some categories may not have enough entries and therefore that particular category may be excluded from the awards. For instance, if only one entry is received in one category it will most likely be combined with other dissimilar projects of similar size and complexity.
  • 5.After the entries have been organised into Award Categories, the entrants will be notified what categories they have been placed into.
  • 6.The entries and entrants will be promoted through our links in other industry Associations, ACRA website and other publications. They will then be submitted to our independent judging panel to determine the winners in each Award Category.
  • 7.Final categories are at the judging committee’s sole discretion
  • 8.No videos to be submitted.

The following categories are available:


Entries are invited for excellence in the investigation and diagnosis of a remedial project. It may include processes used, selection of diagnostic testing, repair estimates and reporting methods.

Research, Design and Innovation

Entries are invited for innovation in all areas of remedial works.

Entries in Categories 1 and 2 will be judged principally on their significance to the investigation, design or innovation of concrete repair and protection technology, materials, systems or design to enable a project to be undertaken and completed successfully. Companies entering these categories should note some comments provided by the judging panel in previous years were:

  • Investigation process
  • Benefit to the industry
  • Potential for cost savings
  • Potential for export of technology
  • Originality
  • Savings to project program
  • Does the project support local research organisations and is there any evidence of team working between industry and research? (Benefits to universities, CSIRO, etc)
  • Cost analysis
  • Uniqueness of the situation
  • Sustainability and Durability.

Commercial / Residential / Industrial / Marine / Heritage / Strengthening / Waterproofing

In assessing the entries for Categories 3 to 9 the judges will take into account several factors held high in the ideals of ACRA. Judges will consider the overall project, its investigation, and remedial solution(s), innovative and economic treatment of the structure, with emphasis on the appropriateness of the solution to the requirements of the Client.

We are interested in specific references to the special ways in which the project was innovative or posed difficulty in execution, timing etc.

Companies entering these categories should note some comments provided by the judging panel in previous years. These were:

  • Relevance – Are the remedial solutions relevant to the function of the structure?
  • Economy – Are the remedial solutions economical compared with alternative repair techniques?
  • Innovation – Are the remedial solutions clever in terms of making economies or saving time or using new technology?
  • Difficulty – Were there any constraints that made the project difficult?
  • Aesthetics – Was it considered in the case of a building or heritage structure?
  • Client requirements – Were the client requirements sufficiently addressed?
  • Effect on occupants/users – Were they sufficiently addressed?
  • Use of sound engineering principles and practices – What was the standard of prior investigation and analysis and design of the repairs?
  • Environmental – Any considerations given?

Long-Term Performance

Entries are invited for projects completed more than 7 years ago that have achieved long-term durability and performance.

Long-term testing and inspection records, client testimonials, and retention of aesthetics and overall serviceability or function of the structure being maintained are key requirements. Companies entering this category should note some comments provided by the judging panel in previous years were:

  • Serviceability / function maintained
  • Long-term testing records
  • Long-term inspection records
  • Client testimonies
  • Retention of aesthetics

Repair Industry Excellence Award

It is open to the judges to present this award to an entry from any of the categories above which, through its outstanding achievement or contribution to the repair industry, promotes the goals of the association and its members.

Please note that all entries in all categories will be judged for the “REPAIR INDUSTRY EXCELLENCE” award and this requires no extra application or fee. This award will only be given if the judges deem it appropriate.

Requirements Prior to Sending

The closing date for all entries will be at midday on June 1, 2023.
There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Entries to be sent electronically.

The cost of each project entry is $500.00.

The final cost will be invoiced to the entrant based on the number of entries.

Projects shall be submitted electronically via USB or drop box file or Transfer File.

The entry shall include the following:

  • 1. Completed entry form, do not send video’s or any extra items, just stick to the form please, as the judges have a lot of projects to get through.
  • 2. A 100 word (maximum) description of the project and its highlights which will be used for promotional purposes and read out on the awards night. Do not exceed this please.
  • 3. Up to 10 selected photos which will be used for promotional purposes and read out on the awards night and mark 1 main photo which would be placed on the award if you win.
  • 4. Relevant project drawings and/or documentation (no brochures please) all electronic.
  • 5. Up to 30 additional photos of your project in .JPG format.

These photos may also be used on the awards night and on the ACRA website and other ACRA promotions.

Entries submitted previously in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014 & 2016, 2018, 2020 will not be accepted again for the same category. They can, however, be submitted for the Long-Term Performance category if completed more than 7 years ago.

Awards of merit may be awarded in each of the categories. More than one award of merit may be given in any category. A single award of excellence will be awarded in each of the categories if the judges consider the entry to be of a high enough standard to be worthy, and we now have a Presidents Choice Award.

We would like to wish you all the very best with your entry submissions. If you have any comments or queries regarding the awards or the submissions, please do not hesitate to email us at or phone (02) 9645 3692.

Submit a PDF application

or submit your application via the online entry form below.


Remedial Industry Excellence Awards 2023

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