
Declaring Waterproofing Designs – NSW Fair Trading

Following ACRA discussions with the Office of the Building Commissioner, we can advise ACRA Members that for class 2 building work which is exempt under the State Environment Planning Policy Code but still needs to comply with the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 you will be allowed to submit regulated designs to NSW Fair Trading directly until the NSW Planning Portal can receive these lodgments.

The obligations relating to ‘regulated designs’ are the provision of designs prepared for a building element, or a performance solution, for building work; including building work related to the construction; alteration or addition; or the repair, renovation or protective treatment of a class 2 building, a performance solution to meet the performance requirements in the Building Code of Australia and in this instance the waterproofing building element. Any designs for remedial or defective work connected to a building element or performance solution will be captured. These regulated designs for remedial or defective work connected to a building element will need to be declared.

Each regulated design must be prepared by a registered Design Practitioner and must accord with relevant elements of the Regulated Design Guidance Material.

Guidance material can be downloaded with the following links:

Regulated designs must also include a  standard title block. A title block is a table of information containing details about the design and its relevant development. Download the standard title block template from the NSW Fair Trading website. The template is provided in .dwg format so it can be used in your CAD systems.

Any designs for remedial or defective work connected to a building element or performance solution will then be captured and these regulated designs will need to be declared. These compliance declaration forms should be completed by the Design Practitioner or Principal Design Practitioner.

Compliance declaration forms for Design and Principal Design Practitioners can be found on the NSW Fair Trading website at;

As your development does not require building approval nor a certifier, please submit your regulated designs to the DBP Audit Team at


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