11 October 2023
Remedial waterproofing training
We had our full-house BETA-run of the training day at the Kirribilli Club on 21 Sept 23. Presentation responsibility was shared between Nassim Ghosni, Sam Parker and Jim Mortlock and we had industry representation ranging from those bright, shiny and new to remedial, to those with decades of experience, and across supplier, contractor and consultant roles including from TAFE NSW.
Feedback is being received and will be collated to further improve the course. Two clear messages from the day are:
- Congratulations to the contributors for putting together a comprehensive overview of remedial waterproofing, and
- The likely need for a more advanced, technical focused course for designers.
So, watch out for notices for the final version of the training day, and register early. Also look out for a likely future call for contributors to the more advanced, technical course.