NSW – Speak Up Save Lives app: Keeping you and your workmates safe
As we all know our National President is big on putting safety first on the job site, even when working from home. We’ve heard him talk about how if we see something wrong, don’t be afraid to speak up even if we are just walking past a construction site, speaking up makes a difference.
Needless to say the industry is happy to see SafeWork NSW’s Speak Up Save Lives app gives you a way to report workplace health and safety hazards anonymously.
The free app lets you easily and confidentially send information – including photos – on unsafe work practices directly to SafeWork NSW.
Most reports submitted through the app come from high-risk industries such as construction, but anyone, in any workplace can use it.
Keep yourself and your workmates safe, download the Speak Up Save Lives app.
Im sure this is an initiative that will take hold in all states.