We are thrilled to announce the upcoming VIC Celebration, an event dedicated to recognizing outstanding achievements by all who submitted projects for consideration at our ACRA Remedial Industry Excellence Awards 2023 (ACRA Awards). In addition we will provide an industry update on the ACRA “Setting the Standards” Initiative.
Join us as we share our projects and learn from those who participated in the ACRA Awards in an informal and interactive session.
A great opportunity for VIC members to learn about project submissions as you consider your project entries for 2025 ACRA Excellence Awards!
An industry update for the local adoption of EN1504 as an Australian Standard for the repair and protection of concrete structures.
Don’t miss this chance to reconnect and network with your industry peers and learn more about their projects.
Light refreshments will be served.
A great way to catch up with our remedial colleagues. Reserve your spot now as the event is almost here!