Please register your interest in attending.
AGM is for ACRA members only. Individual members can attend and comment but are unable to vote.
As per 4.2 of the Articles of Association “Only Corporate Members are entitled to vote per entity at general meetings or special meetings”.
via ZOOM on 31 October 2023 commencing at 5.00pm.
A proxy form is below for those Corporate Members unable to attend the meeting and wish to nominate someone to vote for them. All members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, but I would like to remind you that only Corporate Members are entitled to vote at the meeting.
Would any Corporate Members wishing to nominate a proxy, return their forms as soon as possible to the Executive Officer via email or you can place your vote now.
Before you vote, please read the instructions carefully as e-votes not filled in corrected cannot be counted. All votes are kept private.
Notice of Meeting – Agenda 2023